Can you still narrate a movie you watched years ago? As humans, we respond to what we see more than what we hear. The optic nerves transfer these visual information from the retina of the eyes to the brain where they are saved for easy recollection. In fact, what you study is better retained when you create a mental picture of it. This implies that pictures and videos can influence a man's thoughts, words or actions. What have dragged many eyes out of their books? What have many minds been consuming? Pornography?
The internet, one of the greatest bait of the devil, has captured lives with sexually explicit materials, and regrettably, believers. The most alarming thing is that what used to be a hidden infraction is fast becoming a cinema. Many producers, actors and retailers are not even ashamed making it the source of their income.
Pornography releases toxins to the Brain, whilch make One restless, addicted, and then block the pathway for normal understanding, assimilation and academic activities.
It is so dangerous that it's the power house of masturbation, which outside being done in the dark, is the chief engineer of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Stop watching them! Stop visiting those sites if you still do.
Myriad of youths that God gave gifts, talents and abilities lost their kingdom consciousness and made cemeteries of their lives by heeding to the compelling traps of sexual immorality. The devil has put those obscene pictures and movies to distract you from beholding your bright future. Now is the time to end it. Follow these steps genuinely, and you will be absolutely free from it:
1. DELETE THE ACCESS: Delete those sites, books or magazines, including those with half-naked or prompting pictures. If you can't do this, you are not ready.
"Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?" Asked in proverbs 6:27.
2. PRAY FOR THE HOLYSPIRIT TO HELP YOU: This is the time to pray your way out. The Bible says that His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses (2Corinthians 12:9). Pray to God about this decision and for his spirit to help you overcome temptations, for they will surely come. Pray it as often. Ask for forgiveness and believe in your heart that you are forgiven.
3. BE DISCIPLINED: Now, this is one of the most important steps. Many fall because they feel they are too strong not to, then go tempting themselves. Don't say, "let me just visit this site or watch this movie, it won't hurt me." Bishop David Oyedepo says, "discipline is operating as demanded, not as convenient. It gives your assignment all it takes to deliver it. Outstanding success is a product of high level discipline. It takes discipline to go up and stay up. Discipline is the ladder of destiny.'' Discipline is the backbone when temptations come. Say no, rebuke the devil! Proverbs 5:23 warns, "He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray.(ESV)" Tell yourself it's in the past and rebuke the devil should the urge to fall comes.
"and give no opportunity to the devil.(ESV)"-- Ephesians 4:27. Be disciplined! It strengthens your commitment when you get weak or tempted. Tell the devil to get lost! You can! Never believe you can't. Discipline should fire your passion to live holy. Leave sexually active people if they are still in your life. It strengthens your mind. Stay determined to be pornography free.
4. STUDY AND MEDITATE ON GOD'S WORD: It should be your priority daily. Occupy yourself and time with the gospel, and things that will enhance your future. Divert those attention and time to doing things you were created for, instead of using it to watch what's wrong, and in time to come, you won't even have time for them. Make great use of your time and be committed to God's work.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Right now I know I can't do it myself. I need your strength and Grace by the power of your spirit. Forgive me for I humble myself to your will. Empower me to be totally free from pornography. Thank you for answering my prayers.
Meditate on these verses: Romans13:12-4; 1Corinthians 10:12-13; 2Chronicles 7:14.
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