

Building a Generation of Light and Fire


Tuesday, 2 January 2018


Dave stood by the door of the hall, fighting tears. He couldn't bear the pain of failing a course he didn't sleep for. The lecturer saw his question paper cluttered with mnemonics. In the beginning, he repeatedly called their attention to the offense like a violent nursery rhyme. Ten minutes into the exam, he marched along the pews searching for culprits, and found Dave's paper. He drew the question paper and answer booklet in annoyance.
"Get out of this class," he barked as he pointed towards the front door.
"Please sir, am sorry, it was a mistake," he beggeed, standing up.
"I say leave here!" His threatening bold voice drew attention to the scene.
      Dave's dizzy eyes blinked in innocence as he stepped past busy colleagues. He began to plea, standing  by the door, ignoring the heavy stares at him by some of his course mates. Everyone knows how Stern the lecturer is. He hasn't even answer up to a D-grade. He thought of retiring home and starving himself for the bad day but after hanging there a bit. After almost thirty minutes of 'please sir', the lecturer handed him a correction fluid and asked him to erase every word. "Thank you sir," he said, smiling and dashing to his seat. He erased every letter as fast as he could and continued the exam.

        Friend, life is like a book of myriad pages and at dusk, each page is closed making it our past. Perhaps, like Dave, you have lived a past you would love to erase, Jesus is the only one who helps. Maybe your past leaves you with guilt, regrets, depression, pains, failures, tears, and so on. The truth is that those who have become spiritually efficient, influential and leaders are those with an ugly past.

          There is a master whose eraser, whose genuine love is infinite and willing to erase any of your mistakes no matter how shameful, big or plenteous they can be.
The Bible says, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18 KJV).
When the Lord said, 'come now', He meant that you should leave those things behind and come to the offer for a new beginning. It's like saying, let's live like it never happened. God's plan is not to take us to yesterday and make us repeat the bad scene like a movie rehearsal. Regrettably, a lot of Christians impede their faith and prayer life by dwelling and recurring their thoughts on past mistakes and failures.  Christ came because God wanted to snatch you from your past errors, and He died for it.
Paul said, "Brethren is count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before."

         Salvation is free, just believe and come to the steadfast love with a sincere and contrite heart. The  time is now! Jesus wants to give you a fresh start. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Believe in your heart now that a change has come for you.
Say these words genuinely: "Lord Jesus, I thank you for your love and mercies are abundant towards me. I thank you for dying  for me. I come to you in repentance of my Past mistakes, and to create in me a new man. Guide my kind by your spirit, make me whole and purified. Make my body your sanctuary, and give me the strength to live a holy life."
Congratulations! You are free in Jesus name.
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